Radar Course Syllabus

The aim of the course is to teach students to use small boat Radar to assist decision-making in navigation, pilotage and collision avoidance. 

1. Switching on and setting up 

  • Adjusting brilliance, contrast, gain, range and tuning 

2. Refining the picture 

  • Adjust the sea clutter and rain clutter controls to suit prevailing conditions Head up, North up mode 

3. Understanding the picture 

  • The factors affecting the clarity of the visual image 

4. Radar reflectors 

  • Understanding what affects the received image 

5. Fixing position by radar 

  • Plot the vessel's position. Use of VRM and EBL 

6. Pilotage by radar 

  • Understands how to prepare a simple pilotage plan including use of clearing ranges 

7. Collision avoidance 

  • Understands how to determine the risk of collision with another vessel 
  • CPA, course and speed 
  • The existence of automatic radar plotting aids (ARPA & MARPA) 
  • The implications of IRPCS when in restricted visibility
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